27 Jan Exact Sciences takes aim at 15 types of cancer, envisions universal test
Exact Sciences Corp. says it is working on separate diagnostic tests to detect 15 of the deadliest types of cancer, and its ultimate, eventual goal is to create, with its partners at Mayo Clinic, a single, universal blood test for cancer.
CEO Kevin Conroy said the Madison company, known for its Cologuard stool-based, home test kit for colorectal cancer, told the J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference in San Francisco earlier this month that Exact Sciences has three top priorities for 2019: To “power” its partnership with drug giant Pfizer; to make significant enhancements to Cologuard; and to advance its liquid biopsy program.
Conroy also disclosed several other significant developments for the Madison company at the conference, the biggest annual meetup for innovative health companies and the investment community:
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