23 Sep EnsoData uses AI to help improve health care
CHRIS HERNANDEZ Special to the State Journal
EnsoData is a health care artificial intelligence company based in Madison that saves clinicians several hours each day by automating some of the most complex and time-consuming data analysis tasks that are done manually today in health care.
Across a range of medical specialties including Sleep Medicine, Neurology, Critical Care, Cardiology, Pulmonology and many others, clinicians are faced with the daunting task of balancing time with patients against their responsibility for manually annotating several hours of physiological data from dozens of different diagnostic and monitoring sensors that must be evaluated for dozens of types of complex disease patterns concurrently.
Our mission at EnsoData is to create more time for direct patient care and the cultivation of meaningful patient relationships, the aspect of medicine that the majority of clinicians report as the most satisfying part of the practice, by automating these heavily manual data tasks with powerful artificial intelligence software.
In short, to create more time for patients, and less time with data.
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